Safety Management Systems, Premium (5 Days)

From leading experts in the area of safety management systems. Course number: AT006a

AT006a Course Goal:

Our signature SMS course enables participants to elevate activities under SMS from a possibly less effective fulfillment of external requirements into a truly value-adding enhancement of your company’s business activities.

Target Group
  • For Safety Management Beginners and Professionals: Solidify your safety expertise through a thorough deep-dive into the concept’s fundamentals with a particular emphasis on the science of risk assessments.
  • For Aviation Experts from other areas than safety: Obtain in-depth knowledge from experts, enabling you to effectively integrate this concept in your own operational area.
  • For Professionals from other industries: Safety Management Systems have come a long way in the aviation industry, contributing to drastic improvements of accident rates over the past decades. Let your industry benefit from aviation being ahead of the bunch!
What the Training Offers
  • A senior expert in safety management systems will take you all the way from the philosophy and origins via theoretic concepts into their practical application in today’s industry. Practical examples and exercises will enable you to add more substance to your day-to-day engagement in this area.
  • For newbies it will pave the way for a successful engagement in SMS, especially in risk assessments.
Competitive advantages of this training
  • Like all AEROTHRIVE courses, this course is freshly designed based on the latest didactic methods and subject-matter trends and insights. Delivered by senior experts, we give you the best learning experience adding value to your career path.
  • This training’s emphasis on Risk Assessments as a key element of every SMS adds a particularly practical view and will equip you with an extra tool kit to master the true SMS challenges in your daily business.
  • Designed following ICAO’s latest “Competence-Based-Training (CBT)” concept for the best learning success.
Which takeaways will I have from the training?
  • A globally recognizable AEROTHRIVE Certificate bearing an individual authenticity number.
  • Hands-on solutions for most efficiently and effectively managing your daily duties.
  • Inspiration through the exchange with highly specialized trainee peers.
  • Eligibility of the earned certificate for additional free AEROTHRIVE Diploma Certificates (Terms and Conditions apply).
Which diploma bundle will this training be part of?
  • Safety Risk Auditor Diploma (Bundle 6, add AT002a)
  • Safety Management Expert Diploma (Bundle 7, add AT008)
  • CAMO Safety Management Expert Diploma (Bundle 17, add AT012)
  • Excellence Diploma: Technical Safety Champion (Bundle 19, add AT011)
  • Aviation Management Expert Diploma (Bundle 20, add AT014a)
  • Safety and Human Factors Expert Diploma (Bundle 23, add AT021)
Advantages if purchased as an in-house training at your company’s premises:
  • To the extent possible an incorporation of your company’s SMS and Risk tools into group works and exercises.
  • Discussions on actual challenges of your specific SMS, Risk Assessments and Operations.
  • Attractive pricing.
  • Advantageous from as little as four up to 20+ participants.
  • Can be freely customized to company-specific requirements as an extra service.
  • Your company-specific questions can be discussed in depth.

Safety Management Systems, Premium

Our signature SMS course

25.11. – 29.11.2024
Time:UTC +1Central European Time (CET)
Course language:English
Price:1.990,00 €
23.06. – 27.06.2025
Time:UTC +2Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Course language:English
Price:1.990,00 €
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In-house class at your premises!

Save money per participant, save travel costs, have discussions and training case studies dealing with your own company, opt-in for further customization as an extra service. Inquire now FOR FREE!

Remote – Far East local time
15.09. – 19.09.2025
Time:UTC +8Hong Kong Time (HKT)
Course language:English
Price:1.990,00 €
01.12. – 01.12.2025
Time:UTC +1Central European Time (CET)
Course language:English
Price:1.990,00 €
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