SARPcheck Upgrade Training (1 Day) 

An upgrade training to qualify highly experienced airline certification auditors for working under the SARPcheck program: AT001b

AT001b Course Goal:

For aviation auditors who already possess vast experience in airline certification audits and wish to engage in the uprising new SARPcheck program. Audit companies accredited by SARPcheck’s not-fot-profit governance organization SARP Ltd. may accept this training for formally qualifying their auditor candidates as official SARPcheck auditors. Course number AT001b

Target Group
  • Management and auditors of airlines lined up for receiving a SARPcheck audit, wishing to understand the auditing methodology.
  • Highly experienced aviation auditors who wish to engage as official SARPcheck auditors.
What the Training Offers
  • Understand the SCPM.
  • Understand the auditing methodology and flow.
  • Work with ICAO Annexes (not part of the training material).
Which takeaways will I have from the training?
  •  A globally recognizable AEROTHRIVE Certificate bearing an individual authenticity number.
  • Peer-contacts with other professionals engaged in the world’s leading audit programs.
  • A clear understanding of ICAO SARPs.
  • A clear understanding of the SARPcheck Audit Program.

SARPcheck Upgrade Training (1 Day) 

An upgrade training to qualify highly experienced airline certification auditors for working under the SARPcheck program.

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In-house class at your premises!

Save money per participant, save travel costs, have discussions and training case studies dealing with your own company, opt-in for further customization as an extra service. Inquire now FOR FREE!

Remote – Central Europe local time
09.10. – 09.10.2024
Time:UTC +2Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Course language:English
Price:890,00 €
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