Safety Management Systems, for Executives/ Refresher (1 Day)

A compact refresher for experts and introduction for top executives. Course number: AT025

AT025 Course Goal:

Our one-day SMS refresher keeps our participants SMS currency and provides updates on the latest trends and development in the area or as a senior executive get a high level overview over the concept (only available in-house).

Target Group
  • For Safety Management Beginners and Professionals: Keep your currency and refresh your knowledge
  • For Aviation Experts from other areas than safety: Get a glimpse of SMS at a high level
  • For Professionals from other industries: Safety Management Systems have come a long way in the aviation industry, contributing to drastic improvements of accident rates over the past decades. Get a high level understanding of this advanced concept!
What the Training Offers
  • As solid high level overview over the concept combined with updates on the latest trends and developments.
  • For newbies it provide a first over view for a later deep dive and successful engagement in SMS.
Competitive advantages of this training
  • Like all AEROTHRIVE courses, this course is freshly designed based on the latest didactic methods and subject-matter trends and insights. Delivered by senior experts, we give you the best learning experience adding value to your career path.
  • This training is flexibly adjustable to its target group ranging from experienced SMS experts all the way to senior executives.
Which takeaways will I have from the training?
  • A globally recognizable AEROTHRIVE Certificate bearing an individual authenticity number.
  • Hands-on solutions for most efficiently and effectively managing your daily duties.
  • Inspiration through the exchange with highly specialized trainee peers.
Advantages if purchased as an in-house training at your company’s premises:
  • To the extent possible an incorporation of your company’s SMS and Risk tools into group works and exercises.
  • Discussions on actual challenges of your specific SMS, Risk Assessments and Operations.
  • Attractive pricing.
  • Advantageous from as little as four up to 20+ participants.
  • Can be freely customized to company-specific requirements as an extra service.
  • Your company-specific questions can be discussed in depth.

Safety Management Systems, for Executives/ Refresher

A compact refresher for experts and introduction for top executives

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In-house class at your premises!

Save money per participant, save travel costs, have discussions and training case studies dealing with your own company, opt-in for further customization as an extra service. Inquire now FOR FREE!

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